Monday, December 31, 2012

comic qiewer 0.7.6

This is a very simple (and small) comic reader.
Supports zip / cbz / rar / cbr archives, containing bmp / png / jpeg / gif images.

To add comic qiewer to the context menu, press 'F1', and then the first button 'register filetypes' (possible administrator rights are needed).
Drag&drop works as well.

Keyboard functions:
  • move with arrow keys
  • page through with page up/down
  • show current page / goto page with 'p'
  • exit with 'Esc'

Mouse functions:
  • move up/down with wheel, left/right with middle-click + wheel
  • page through with right-click + wheel

Download at:

Sunday, December 30, 2012

qiewer extractor 0.7.6

The new features are:
  • New archive format: lzip (.lz)
  • Extract with drag&drop
    Drag archives with right-click to the destination folder, then "Extract..." in the context menu.
  • Extract from clipboard
    Copy archives to the clipboard, and "Extract..." in the destination folder.

A context menu shell extension makes it now possible that multiple archives are extracted with one process (and not one process per archive like before).

Download at:

Friday, December 28, 2012

qiewer extractor 0.7.5

Supports most common archive formats:
  zip, rar, 7zip (7z), split files (001), tar, gzip (gz), bzip2 (bz2), lzma, xz

Main feature is of course the browsing of these archives with the Windows Explorer.
From there you can:
  • open the file
  • "open with", when shift + right-click
  • open all, when shift + enter
    this means all files (no sub-folders) of the current folder are extracted, and the selected file opened
  • copy to clipboard
  • drag&drop out of the archive

The archives can simply be extracted with the new option "Extract..." in the context menu.
And in case the archive is already associated with another program, the option "Explore" will also be added to the context menu.

Download at: