Sunday, December 30, 2012

qiewer extractor 0.7.6

The new features are:
  • New archive format: lzip (.lz)
  • Extract with drag&drop
    Drag archives with right-click to the destination folder, then "Extract..." in the context menu.
  • Extract from clipboard
    Copy archives to the clipboard, and "Extract..." in the destination folder.

A context menu shell extension makes it now possible that multiple archives are extracted with one process (and not one process per archive like before).

Download at:

1 comment:

  1. I can find two "Extract..." commands when extracting ZIP files by D&D, or "Extract All..." and "Extract..." at the same time by right-click.
    Maybe it is because both your software and Windows 7 support ZIP.
    Please fix it.
    I love the software.
